Rules & Policies

Learn About Our St. Louis Gymnastic Facility’s Rules and Policies.



We want this experience to be exciting and wonderful for your athlete! For this to happen, it is important for you and your child to understand the rules and policies. Please take the time to read the following: (Please note that no registration is complete until you have paid registration fee).

  1. INSURANCE REGULATIONS - Registrations MUST be done by child's parent or legal guardian. This is strictly enforced. NO persons are allowed on the workout floor unless a registered athlete and accompanied by a coach. Please remain in the observation area upstairs. Report all injuries to Coach Jeri or Coach Sam. All children not in class must be supervised by an adult at all times.

  2. ARRIVAL – PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME. Upon arrival, athletes must stow all belongings in the cubbies. Please wait in front of gym until class is called on the floor. All classes warm-up together. Please make sure your athlete is **On Time** for class! We have too many athletes arrive late sometimes! This is not fair to your athlete, the coaches or the other athletes in class! We like to keep our classes moving, and each time a child arrives late there is an interruption in class! Arriving late to class may be chaotic to your athlete’s lesson and it disrupts the flow of the workout and disrupts other athletes in the group. It is frowned upon to be late. Athletes aren't achieving the skills they need when arriving late or **Completely Miss a Workout. ** We see it shows that the athletes who are late to practice or miss workouts fall behind with their skill set and lose confidence! In the sport of gymnastics, power tumbling and trampoline attendance is very important to increase their skill set and boost their confidence. In order to achieve mastery of a skill in any sport you need to work on it at home. Working out at home is an equalizer to the Next Level. We expect athletes to be at their workout with 100% attendance. Please have your athlete arrive 5 minutes before the start of their workout. Students should not come to class if they are sick or have lice.

  3. DISMISSAL - When students are dismissed from class, they must wait inside the building until they are picked up. No student has permission to leave the building unless accompanied by an adult. Parents, please be prompt on pickup.

  4. SAFETY DICTATES - Female students must wear a leotard and tie their hair back. Male students are to wear shorts and a T-shirt (no buckles or zippers). NO JEWELRY is to be worn. NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY. All students and parents must respect the coaches and other members. All medications and allergies must be listed on heath form.


  6. MAKE-UPS – If your athlete misses a class. They can make up thru open gym.  All make ups must be scheduled thru the office and made up during the current session.

  7. PAYMENT POLICY - Payment is always made for an 8-week session. There is a $25 fee for any returned checks. Any questions, please speak to management immediately. 

  8. DROPS - If your child is planning on discontinuing, you must notify the office BEFORE the last class of the current session. If we do not receive notification, you may be charged for the full session. 

  9. INCLEMENT WEATHER – If the gym is changing the schedule due to inclement weather, we will inform you of any closings or changes on our Facebook and through e-mail. Our phone number is 314.845.6600. Our website is

  10. VALUABLES – GymStars is not responsible for lost or stolen items. All valuables should be left at home. 

  11. REMINDER - Gymnasts are not to be distracted by parents during practice. You have entrusted us to teach your child. It is important that you do not "coach" your child from the side

  1. No destruction or vandalism of equipment or property will be tolerated. Gymnast and parents are liable for any damage caused.

  • Caution: Any activity involving motion, rotation, or height may cause serious accidental injury.
  • Do not use apparatus without qualified supervision.
  • Wear proper attire and use chalk when necessary to prevent slipping.
  • Before mounting apparatus, make sure it is properly adjusted and secured, and that sufficient mats, appropriate to the exercise, are in position. Consult your instructor.
  • Use proper conditioning and warm-up exercises before attempting new and/or vigorous moves.
  • Attempt new skills in proper progression. Consult your instructor.
  • When attempting a new or difficult skill, a qualified spotter should be used. When in doubt, always use a spotter and check with your instructor first.
  • Dismounts from apparatus require proper landing techniques. Do not land on head back as serious injury may result. Consult your instructor.
  • Any skill involving the inversion of the body could be dangerous and cause serious neck or head injury.
  • NO HORSE PLAY at any time while on or around gymnastics equipment.

Please speak to management or arrange an appointment with a coach if you need to address issues with your child's class.

  1. If your child is sick – please do not send them to class.  All children should be symptom free without fever for 24 hour prior to class.
  1. If your child has LICE, please report as soon as possible to Jeri or the office so the gym can be treated.  Your child should be treated and without lice for 24 hours prior to returning to class.  All hair items left at GymStars are thrown away.
  1. All meet fees have to be paid by check or cash – No credit cards!  Athletes are added to the rooster only when paid.
  1. The AAU and USTA forms are available.
  1. Please keep the noise level down in the Parent’s rooms.  Please keep this area clean for the next class of parents!
  1. Private lessons – Please email Jeri to schedule.  Private lessons $30 for 30 minutes.
  1. Please have your athlete wear a leotard at all times if possible, with workout shorts and keep the hair pulled back. Guys,   t-shirts and shorts or workout uniform.  
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